Apr 25, 2009

Nebraska Free Fishing & Park Entry Day - May 16, 2009

If you are looking for an opportunity to go fishing but you haven’t purchased your license yet, or don’t want to because you don’t go enough, or have a friend you want to take fishing, but he/she just won’t buy a license . . .then consider taking advantage of Nebraska’s Free Fishing and Park Entry Day. Here is the information from the 2009 NE fishing guide (p. 25).


Free Fishing and Park Entry Day is intended to attract those who no longer fish or who have never fished with an opportunity to do so without purchasing a permit. It is held on the Saturday prior to Memorial Day weekend. Anglers, both resident and nonresident, can take advantage of that day by taking a nonangling friend to any public body of water in the state and showing them how much fun fishing can be.

Nebraska sets aside one day each May to help promote fishing and outdoor recreation at its state parks. In doing so, all regular fees are waived (though all other regulations still apply).

Note that it applies to residents and nonresidents. This is a great day to take your kids, grandkids, or a friend fishing.


Heartland Fishing

Apr 18, 2009

Nebraska Lake Maps

Ever wonder what the bottom of your favorite lake looks like? What are the contours? Where are the steep drop offs? Where are the flat bottom areas? Are there unique underwater points or holes that might hold fish?

Nebraska has a decent lake mapping program. Obviously not every lake in the state is mapped, but many of the more popular ones are. I know several of my favorites are!

Check out the available maps at the following link: http://www.ngpc.state.ne.us/fishing/programs/lakemapping/lakemapping.asp

All maps are in PDF format for download or printing. I personally add them to my mobile device so I can take them with me whenever I fish.


Heartland Fishing

Apr 3, 2009

April Crappie in the Omaha metro...


Sick of catching crappie that are just shy of the 10 inch minimum on many of Nebraska’s lakes? Crappie are great to eat, but often I find myself catching a bunch in the 9 inch range and can’t catch enough keepers to feed my family even one meal.

In April there are a couple lakes that have the length requirement removed (Zorinsky and to Wehrspann). Bag limits still apply, and length limits are in effect the other 11 months of the year, but April is special.

Here is the wording from the 2009 NE fishing guide (p. 10):


10-inch minimum: Branched Oak Reservoir (Lancaster Co.), Czechland Lake (Saunders Co.), Sherman Reservoir (Sherman Co.), Walnut Creek Recreation Area (Sarpy Co.), Wehrspann Lake* (Sarpy Co.), and Zorinsky Lake* (Douglas Co.).

*Note: The length limit is not in effect during April on Wehrspann and Zorinsky lakes.

So get out with slip bobbers and minnows, or jigs around trees and other structure and bring home some crappie to feed the family!


Heartland Fishing